(archived program - now called Sold Out ID Lab)
What if you could turn your ideas into
your own
Money Tree every Monday?
(What is a Money Tree? What does that mean?)
It Starts With The Seeds...
Imagine your ideas are the seeds...
Not All Seeds Become Trees, right?
But every seed has the capacity to become a magnificent tree.
How do you know which one will grow into a tree if you don't plant it?
You have to treat your ideas like seeds.
Put them ALL out there. Every idea has the capacity to grow into a magnificent, fully producing Sold-Out Offer, but it has to go through all of the stages and phases of growth.
You don't need to worry about what those are.
Trying to plan out each stage is like trying to tell a seed what to do each day from seed-sprout-sapling-2 year old-5 year old-15 year old tree.
Do you know what each of those days looks like?
Do you WANT to be that detailed and involved?
How dull and boring. Who wants to micromanage a seed?!
Monday Money Tree - Build A Money Tree Every Monday
(The Science)
Every Monday (or whatever day works for you), we spend one day a week focusing on very specific and important aspects of how to:
find your own answers to everything
why it hasn't worked before
why it will this time and from here on out because of the permanent changes in your brain